A disturbance at the Double Tree Hotel on Century Drive resulted in a Southington man being arrested on breach of peace charges. The suspect made things worse for himself when he verbally attacked officers, police said.
John Thornton,30, of 2118 Meriden Waterbury Turnpike in Southington was arrested and charged with breach of peace in the second degree. After the altercation with police, he also was charged with second degree threatening.
Bristol police reported that around 6:27 on Monday, officers responded to the Double Tree Hotel, 42 Century Dr., on a complaint of a disturbance. Officers found a man had become unruly at the hotel, having grabbed a mop from a 27-year-old female employee as she was mopping the floor. Police said the suspect then began to mop the floor but became more aggressive and mopped over the employee’s shoes several times.
The employee requested the suspect to stop, said police. The suspect then turned his back to the employee and forcibly backed into her pushing her into a corner, said police.
Upon arrival, police said Bristol officers found the woman shaken and crying. The woman wished to press charges, said police.
Police said the breach of peace charges stem from the initial incident. The threatening charges followed after the suspect was taken into custody.
During his transport to the station and while being processed, police said Thornton shouted insults and expletives at officers and threatened them with bodily harm.
Thornton was released for an Oct. 27 court date at G.A. 17, the Superior Court in Bristol after posting a $20,000 bond.