A motor vehicle stop June 22 on Third and King streets led to a drug bust and two arrests.
Bristol police reported that on June 22 at 2:59 a.m., officers conducted a motor vehicle stop on Third and King streets. Police said the vehicle was occupied by three males. After developing probable cause that the vehicle contained illicit drugs, a Bristol Police Department K-9 unit responded to the scene of the vehicle stop. K-9 “Bronn” was deployed into the vehicle for a drug sniff and indicated to his handler that there were illicit drugs present in the vehicle.
Police said a hand search by officers of the area in the vehicle where “Bronn” had alerted to, resulted in the finding of a significant amount of crack cocaine. The crack cocaine would later be weighed at 102 grams. A further search of the vehicle also discovered a small amount of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, an illegal knife and a small number of illegal fireworks. There was also a large sum of cash found within the vehicle.
The driver/lessee of the vehicle was identified as Joshua Bilodeau, age 25, of 472 Broad St. in Bristol, said Police. Bilodeau would later admit to ownership and possession of the illegal drugs, weapons and fireworks, which were all seized. In addition, a total of $1,565.06 in suspected proceeds from drug sales was confiscated, said police.
Bilodeau was subsequently charged with possession of narcotics (crack cocaine), possession of crack cocaine with intent to sell, possession of less than a half ounce of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, weapons in a vehicle, possession of illegal fireworks, and operating a motor vehicle under suspension.
Police said a male also was in the vehicle– Luis Clarke, 25, of 22 North Turnpike Rd., Wallingford. Clarke initially provided officers with a false name when asked to identify himself. Clarke’s true identity was eventually established and it was discovered he was attempting to avoid an outstanding warrant for his arrest from Bristol, said police. Clarke was ultimately charged with evading responsibility and operating under suspension for the warrant. He was charged additionally with criminal impersonation and interfering with police for his actions in this case. Clarke was released after posting a total of $7,500 in bonds for both cases. He is due to appear in Bristol Superior Court on July 2, said police.